The Dos and Don’ts of Teenage Fashion.

Fashion is a huge part of being a teenager. Whether you’re into the latest trends or you prefer to stick to your own style, how you dress says a lot about who you are.

But with so many different fashion options out there, it can be hard to figure out what’s right for you. To help you make the best choices, here are some dos and don’ts of teenage fashion. Keep these in mind next time you go shopping, and you’ll be sure to look your best!

Do find your own style - don't try to copy what everyone else is wearing

As a teenager, it can be hard to stand out in the crowd and express your individuality while still fitting in. One way to do this is through fashion – by finding your own unique style and forsaking the trends that everyone else follows. Don’t worry about trying to match up with what everyone else is wearing; instead, find cuts, patterns, and colours that work for you. If your friends start to join you in wearing something new and different, great! But never feel pressured to conform or follow trends just because “everyone” does it. Embrace a fashion style that reflects who you really are and showcases your personality; this way, you’ll never go out of style!

Do experiment with different looks - don't be afraid to stand out

As teenagers, it’s natural to want our appearance to reflect who we are and how we want to be seen by others. We experiment with different looks all the time, from new clothes and hairstyles to makeup and accessories. Yet, when we go too far outside the norm, sometimes we’re afraid of being judged for it – so we back away before taking a risk. I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to stand out! Don’t be afraid of trying something daring and different – you never know what kind of amazing transformation might result! Do an outfit or hairstyle that nobody else is doing – challenge yourself to express your own creativity through appearance. Believe me when I say there is no greater feeling than standing out in the crowd and owning it!

Do dress for your body type - don't wear something just because it's in fashion

You are the one who knows yourself best, so don´t worry about keeping up with fashion trends. Instead of feeling like you have to dress in a certain way because it´s ‘in’ or ‘cool’, find clothes that fit your body shape and make you feel comfortable. You can still be fashionable – just look for shapes and styles that suit your figure rather than simply following the popular choices. This way, you’ll look great and feel confident in any outfit. Don’t forget, it’s all about having fun with fashion!

Do accessorize - don't go overboard

Accessorizing can be a great way to show your individual style and express yourself, but it can also quickly become excessive if you get carried away. When it comes to accessorizing, there is a delicate balance between accentuating your look and overwhelming it. A few well-chosen pieces of jewellery, scarves or hats can help elevate any outfit, while too many will detract from the overall look. My advice: find the right balance, by selecting pieces that match each other but don’t overwhelm the visual appeal of your ensemble. I promise this will make a huge difference in your style – so get creative and take risks!

Do have fun with fashion - don't take it too seriously

Fashion should be fun, and it shouldn’t be taken too seriously. Everyone likes to look and feel great, so why limit yourself? Experiment with different styles and see what fits you best – you might discover a look that is uniquely yours. Don’t fall into the trap of trying to fit in by following certain trends – follow your own fashion sense and develop your personal style. Remember, it’s okay to be true to yourself – that’s when you will really start having fun with fashion!

So there you have it, five fashion do’s for teenagers. To find your own style, experiment with different looks, dress for your body type, do accessorize and most importantly, have fun with fashion! And remember, fashion is meant to be enjoyed, so don’t take it too seriously.