mentalhealth Archives - Viv La Viv Lifestyle And Fashion Tue, 28 Feb 2023 02:00:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 214601275 Understanding Social Awkwardness as an Adolescent Mon, 27 Feb 2023 23:29:10 +0000 Social awkwardness is a common experience during adolescence, but it doesn't have to define who you are or limit your potential for making meaningful connections with others. By practicing self-compassion and taking small steps towards building confidence in yourself, you can learn how to navigate social situations more comfortably over time.

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As adolescents, we are constantly evolving and growing into our own skin. With this comes new challenges- both physically and emotionally.

One area that can be particularly challenging is the social scene. We are expected to know how to interact with others, make conversation, and generally navigate social situations. However, this can be difficult when we don’t always feel confident in ourselves. Luckily, there are some things we can do to ease the stress of social interactions and make them more enjoyable. In this blog post, I’ll share some tips on how to navigate the social scene with ease as an adolescent. I hope you find them helpful!

Don't be afraid to be yourself - you're unique, and that's what makes you special

Being yourself is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It’s easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others and worrying about what people think of us. But each of us has our own unique strengths and weaknesses, and that’s what makes us special. By being true to ourselves, we become more confident, allowing us to be comfortable in our own skin – something that everyone deserves! A positive attitude is always key to success, so don’t be afraid to be who you are and embrace your individual qualities. You’re an amazing person and don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise!

Find your group of friends that accept you for who you are

We all want to feel accepted by our peers, and it can be tough to find friends that truly appreciate you. But don’t get discouraged! It’s so important to find the perfect group of people who will love and respect you for all the great things about you. Once you discover where you fit in, it can be an amazing feeling that brings tremendous joy. Don’t be afraid to take risks, try new things, and make connections with people who could become valuable friends. You deserve the wonderful friends who embrace your individuality and make you feel at home when you’re around them.

Don't worry about fitting in with the "popular" crowd - they're not worth your time

Have you ever felt pressure to fit in with the popular crowd and worried that you’d be left out if you didn’t? Well, stop worrying! The reality is that those so-called ‘popular’ people are rarely worth your time – they don’t have any real substance, and it’s not like they’ll offer any lasting fulfilment either. Focus instead on the things that will bring you joy and make you better as a person, like engaging in activities that bring out the best in you or finding friends with whom you can share meaningful experiences. Remember – life is too short to waste energy trying to please or fit into someone else’s mould!

Be confident in yourself and your abilities

Showing confidence looks different for everyone, but one thing remains the same: it starts from within. We often internalize every thought or comment made by someone else, turning them around and telling ourselves these things instead. Self-affirmation is about changing your mentality so that you believe you can accomplish what you set out to do and truly feel confident in your own unique set of skills and capabilities. Challenge yourself to break away from the negative thoughts, doubts and outside opinions that fuel insecurity. Remember that the best kind of confidence only comes from trusting in yourself. So don’t be afraid to take on any challenge—you have what it takes!

Learn how to start and carry on a conversation - it'll make socializing a lot easier

It can be intimidating to make conversation with someone new, but getting comfortable talking to people is key to improving social skills. Before you try starting a conversation, it’s important to set yourself up for success by having a general understanding of the topic and relevant small talk. Once you are equipped with this knowledge, starting a conversation by introducing yourself and expressing interest in the other person will set the stage for smoother conversations in the future. By staying relaxed and asking follow-up questions about what the other person said, you can keep the conversation going. Practice often and hone your conversational skills; it’ll help make your interactions less awkward and more enjoyable!

Have fun! Socializing should be enjoyable, not something that feels like a chore

Hey everyone! We all know how hard it can be trying to fit in with friends, classmates, or whatever social group we’re part of. But it doesn’t have to be a hassle – let’s make socializing fun! This way, it will never feel like a chore that you have to do. Whether it’s going for ice cream after school with your best friend, joining an intramural soccer team, or simply scheduling a movie night with your peers, find activities that make you smile and are enjoyable for all. When you come together with others and have a good time, socializing can keep us feeling connected and engaged. So next time you see an invite, don’t feel like it’s something you must do – take the opportunity to join in on the fun!

Don’t sweat it if you don’t feel like you fit in right away at a new school or with a new group of friends. It takes time to find your peeps. In the meantime, focus on being the best YOU that YOU can be. Be confident and learn how to socialize – before you know it, you’ll find your squad, and life will be more enjoyable!

The post Understanding Social Awkwardness as an Adolescent appeared first on Viv La Viv.
